Evidence of Student Learning and Student Success

Evidence of Student Learning and Student Success

Student Learning Assessments

Student performance in academic programs is assessed using multiple formative and summative measures. Results are reported annually through the University's clearly defined assessment process, a process focused on continuous, quality improvement. 
Institutional learning goals are directly assessed in general education course offerings and indirectly measured by institutional surveys. 

Institutional Learning Goals
  • Students will develop abilities foundational to a liberal arts education and professional study. 
  • Students will explore multiple disciplinary perspectives to understand the world. 
  • Students will actively engage antiracist and anti-bias practice toward an inclusive, diverse, and equitable community. 
Assessment Findings 
Fall 2023
Oral Communication
Critical Thinking
Scientific Literacy
Fine Arts
Intercultural Competence
Graduating Students' Perceptions of Education Gains: Fall 2023

Spring 2023
Oral Communication
Written Communication
Quantitative Reasoning
Scientific Literacy 
Information Literacy
NSSE Perceived Educational Gains: 2015 - 2022
Graduating Student's Perceptions of Educational Gains: Spring 2023
Undergraduate Alumni Perceptions of Educational Gains: Spring 2023

6-Year Graduation Rates 

Six-Year Graduation Rate

Contact Us

Ann E. Damiano

Ann E. Damiano

Senior Associate Provost
201 DePerno Hall
(315) 223-2568

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